Tagged: Freelance


Latest Madness

Here’s a look at the latest Fundalini gag written by Jeff Kruse and drawn by myself. Ryan Flanders, art director. Ryan sent me this gag write-up by Jeff. Pretty straightforward. Draw a car. Here’s...


Inching into Highlights

A couple of months back I got an email from the art director of Highlights For Children Magazine. They inquired if I could do an illustration that revolved around a poem concerning a sidewalk...


This is For The Boids!

I recently was asked to do a bird character for an on-line thing (all hush-hush, don’t you know!). My initial gut feeling was to go for a very simple “Symbol graphic” type of thing....


Dixie Drive goes Live

Hey! I’m a poet! This morning the first Dixie Drive cartoon appeared on Universal Uclick’s Gocomics site. You can check it out and subscribe for free by clicking HERE! Guess the ol’ drawing table...