Author: Rich Powell


Found Objects

I was going through some old drawers the other day and found an old matchbook that  brought back a lot of memories.  You see, in a past life I was a young Jarhead exiled...


So…I guess I’m the Pirate Guy lately

This past month I’ve been soaking in Pirates. Sort of a stinkystew, a frothy bowl of arrgggghh. I’m not complaining but variety IS the spice of life, isn’t it. Dixie Drive has been hard...


Still Figuring It Out: Year 50.

A guy wrote to me out of the blue yesterday and asked this: “I am trying to ink my artwork. I am using Bristol Board and Higgins black ink. unfortunately, it looks streaky and...


Smokin’ Pork Snails

I know this has nothing to do with illustration or art but, artists gotta eat…right? So, I agreed to join in with a group of friends, every so often to get together and drink...


Looking towards the Brightside

We had a new venture appear in town recently. My good friends Mary Murkin and Amy Barney got together and opened up the Brightside Gallery here in Asheboro. Located in the historic Ross house...