Tagged: Illustration


The Great Gallery Slog

Well, I’ve been putting together my new image galleries now that the website has moved. You can check them out under the “Artwork” tab. I wanted to be very comprehensive but that means a...


Latest MADness

Extra! Extra! Get you a copy!  The latest issue of MAD is out, my friends. #524 hit the stands this week with another mind-blowingly excellent cover by Mark Fredrickson. I also had a good...


So…I guess I’m the Pirate Guy lately

This past month I’ve been soaking in Pirates. Sort of a stinkystew, a frothy bowl of arrgggghh. I’m not complaining but variety IS the spice of life, isn’t it. Dixie Drive has been hard...


Still Figuring It Out: Year 50.

A guy wrote to me out of the blue yesterday and asked this: “I am trying to ink my artwork. I am using Bristol Board and Higgins black ink. unfortunately, it looks streaky and...