Tagged: Illustration


Watercolor Setup

I recently posted a pen and ink and watercolor illustration I did for a local young lady who sent me a very nice note out of the blue last week. It really made my...


Going to the Dogs

Well, I’ve been busy in so many directions that I really don’t know where to begin. It’s been forever since I’ve put an update together . Sorry. I guess this is as good a...


I gots an Emmy!

Somehow I forgot to post about this. I learned a few months ago that the Our State Television episode I illustrated and was interviewed for, #801 “What it was. was Football” won an Emmy®...


Latest Madness

Here’s a look at the latest Fundalini gag written by Jeff Kruse and drawn by myself. Ryan Flanders, art director. Ryan sent me this gag write-up by Jeff. Pretty straightforward. Draw a car. Here’s...


The Time Has Come

A dear old friend recently commissioned me to do a drawing based on Lewis Carroll’s poem, “The Walrus and The Carpenter”. It’s one of my favorite poems by Carroll and was originally illustrated by...