Tagged: Art

Art Sale at Rich Powell's Store 4

Christmas Sale 2022

Hey folks head on over to the STORE  during December and get FREE SHIPPING on domestic orders of Prints and original art for sale at the Rich Powell Art store using the Code: SHIPIT...


The Great Gallery Slog

Well, I’ve been putting together my new image galleries now that the website has moved. You can check them out under the “Artwork” tab. I wanted to be very comprehensive but that means a...


Once, we were PAINTERS!

So, long ago before we schlepped our meager belongings across the entire country and started a new life, we were painters. All three of us! In our cabin deep in the Sierra Nevada mountains...


Come by and say “HEY!”

This weekend, October 2oth and 21st will mark the day that the soon-to-be-famous Randolph Ramble began it’s annual Studio Tour! I hope to see a lot of folks dropping by to take a look at some...